Food Insecurity Map

Made possible by a grant from the Walmart Foundation

Sources and Notes About the Data

Demographic Data: U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.

Low Food Access Areas: USDA Food Access Research Atlas (2015 data). These are defined by the USDA.

Low income: A census tract with a poverty rate of at least 20%, or a median family income less than 80% of the statewide median family income; or a tract in a metropolitan area that has a median family income less than 80% of that metropolitan area’s median family income.

Low food access: A low-income tract with at least 500 people, or 33% of the population, living more than ½ mile (urban areas) or more than 10 miles (rural areas) from the nearest supermarket, supercenter, or large grocery store.

Public Transit Routes Color Key












Service Providers Marker Legend
Hours ConfirmedHours NOT Confirmed
Onsite Meals
Food Pantries
Meal Delivery
Multiple Services
Food Retailers Marker Legend
Grocery Stores
Farmers' Markets
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Ethnic Specific Markets
Other Stores
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